
Friday, December 4, 2015

All About Orphan Hosting

Its my favorite time of the year, the holiday season. All the family traditions and fun things we do, the things that bring us together and remind us all that we are thankful for--these things I look forward to every year. Even the air seems different in the holiday season. The first cold breeze we get, its like my spirit awakens.. Its that time again.

To me the holidays are special because of my family and all the memories we make each year. But there is another reason I get excited about the holidays, and it might be one that you have never heard of. Orphan hosting. 

Victoria's first hosting profile picture

Orphan hosting programs are programs that coordinate families wishing to "host" an orphan in their home for the holidays with children needing a place to go to escape their orphanages for the holidays. The trips serve many purposes, often being viewed as educational and a chance to practice English--important for studying and getting job opportunities. Sometimes, the orphanages close down for the holidays and children are either hosted or sent to camps or other programs. They do it in the summer too, both seasons being programs averaging in 6 weeks. Sometimes it is as little as 3 weeks, or extended programs go 8-10 weeks. The orphans come from multiple places but the majority come from Ukraine and Latvia. There are smaller programs like Colombia and China, and more opening up each year it seems. Ethiopia and Kyrgyzstan are new to Project 143, and Im sure with a little research you could find more programs and possibilities.

But focusing on the majority of the kids being hosted, the kids come from eastern Europe. Many are available for adoption (although not all are) and it gives them a wonderful opportunity to be matched with a family. A large percentage of children hosted are adopted.

I have heard it asked "Isn't it cruel to bring them here and show them what they are missing and then send them back?" if they are not adopted. This is a genuine concern, and to be honest it always breaks my heart to see any child sent back, but the reality is that adoption is not part of the plan for some of these kids. Some kids do not wish to be adopted, some have active family members in their country despite the fact that they live in the orphanage, and some God just has a different plan for. But all kids need to have the experience of being in a family so that they can know what it is, especially if we expect these children to go on and have successful families of their own one day. The short period of 6-8 weeks can make a huge different on a child's perspective in life. They realize that there is more than what they know, and even if you can't keep that child forever, you can tell him or her their worth and show them love for the time you have--and that is the very medicine to their soul. From a Christian perspective, many of these children have never heard about God and this is an opportunity to not just tell them about Him, but to show them. Listen to what was said about one girl in her bio for the hosting program: "She has heard about America and hosting programs through other kids in her orphanage who have come before her. She said they all talk about Americans are Believers and that she is one too! She said in the photos she sees from other kids, everyone is smiling and hugging and happy. Kids return with new outlooks on life and she wants to do that too!"

Many times when adoption is not an option, families have been able to keep in touch with those children over the years and offer them love and guidance from afar, and help them with basic necessities to go to school and make something of their lives. They just need someone to care about them.  They need to know they aren't alone in the world. They need someone that wants to get to know them personally, not just as a name on the list. This truly changes their life.

Her first day at the airport!

For the kids that don't get adopted, their situation is bleak. The mob runs the orphanages and has little threat to its reign. A recent 3 year investigation done by Disabilites Rights International found disturbing proof of these claims, and they only scratched the surface. "Anti-­‐trafficking organizations have reported to DRI that children are systematically trafficked within or outside of institutions for forced labor, sex, or bodily organs. DRI's investigation confirmed these concerns. Numerous former residents of orphanages reported that they observed the sexual exploitation of children inside the facilities and after their release."

"With no family or social ties in the community and few if any skills to face the world, those who graduate from orphanages at age sixteen are highly susceptible to being trafficked, entering the sex industry, or living on the streets. Boys and girls leaving institutions may show no outward signs of disability, but the psychological damage of growing up in a congregate setting takes its emotional toll. Substance abuse, criminal activity, and suicide are common amongst this population."

Their report, which I will provide a link to below, is disturbing to the core. It tells tale of murder, rape, physical abuse, sexual exploitation, forced abortions, and more.

When a child ages out of the orphan system (after completing 11th grade, often around age 16), they are put on the street and told to hitch hike to a trade school that might accept them. They have no life skills and have never had the basic emotional needs met, and they are expected to support themselves and go to college. Its estimated that 20% commit suicide that first year. 60-70% of the boys will become criminals to survive, often recruited by the mob. 60-70% of the girls are trafficked or enter the sex industry. It is said that mob knows every child, and when they will age out, and they know when to show up when the children are homeless and hungry. They are predators and these children have no defense. Up to 50% of the children dont make it to their 20s. 1-2% of human trafficking victims are ever rescued. 1 in 100,000 European traffickers are ever convicted.

According to Christine Caine of the A21 foundation, what happens to these girls is very tragic. "What they try to do is keep them going for 2 years. That in their language is how they get the greatest return in investment. Then hopefully they will get her pregnant if she is medically able….. They will take her to what they have called infant farms. She will give birth in the infant farm and then the traffickers will sell the newborn babies into pedophile rings in Europe……..You can read stories from secular media…This is factual stories that you would read in the secular press……Pedophile rings are the biggest buyers or illegal adoptions are the next biggest. When the girls die, they will overdose them with drugs. They will begin to harvest the organs because there is a lot of money to be made in livers, hearts, etc…..The other thing they will do is amputate the infants limbs at the knees because they are worth more in begging rings…. We have had those people in our shelter."

Being silly with FAMILY :)

The reality is that orphan hosting is much more than Christmas gifts or taking a child to a theme park for the first time. Hosting, and adoption, mean life or death for some of these kids. It means a chance at life. It means someone to be there and watch over them and pray for them and love them. It means that they have an opportunity to not become one of these statistics.

Below I have listed 3 hosting organizations I follow closely, but there are more. The average cost is $3,000 per child. Many families are able to successfully fundraise this amount.

I pray that you will consider hosting, or donating towards "scholarships" for the kids listed in these organization. This is truly an eternal gift for each child.

Project 143

Host Ukraine

New Horizons for Children

The report done by Disabilities Rights International
"No Way Home"

Victoria with her now soon-to-be mom!

Please consider donating towards bringing Victoria home forever!! Every little bit helps!